Letters, 1787, 1789.


Letters, 1787, 1789.

Letter, May 19, 1787 to E. Dutilh, French merchant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Kaskaskia, Illinois Territory, concerns seizure of property and his uncle's debt; letter, May 13, 1789, from Philadelphia to his brother, a candlemaker in Paris, discusses his arrangements for passage to France.

2 items + translations.



Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Geoffroy, A.

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6jh6j36 (person)

Dutilh, Etienne, 1748-1810

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w60g45vf (person)

Étienne Dutilh was born to Pierre and Marie Dutilh in Marsac (also known as Clairac), France in 1732. During the 1770s, Dutilh established himself as a merchant in London and Rotterdam before immigrating to Philadelphia in 1783. Several Dutilh family members remained in Europe to continue their mercantile business in places like Amsterdam and England. As a result, Étienne Dutilh had strong trading ties to Europe for the next decades. When he came to Philadelphia, Dutilh established the mercant...